Orwell's Obama 2 D
Orwell's Obama 3D Anaglyphic Red and Cyan

Orwell's Obama Full HD, 3D Shutter glasses, Surround Sound

EXCLUSIVE: ORWELL’S OBAMA: First-Ever 3D Political Video

Details Obama’s Tyranny in Amazing Graphics!
"Watch a piece of history; this is the first political video ever created in stereoscopic 3D. Some day it will be the common standard, but this will always be the first. Watch it and be able to say, "I remember when....!"

** Also in 3D Anaglyphic Red and Cyan and 2D shown below **

Read more at Tea Party News Network:http://www.tpnn.com/2014/07/04/orwells-obama-first-ever-3d-political-video-details-obamas-tyranny-in-amazing-graphics/